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Determining a Parenting Time Schedule in Shared Parenting Situations

 Posted on April 26,2018 in Child Custody

Schaumburg divorce attorney equal parenting timeIn today’s families, parents often function as equal partners when raising their children, and both mothers and fathers are highly involved in decision-making and day-to-day care. Close relationships with their parents are beneficial for children, and these relationships should continue even if parents decide to end their marriage through divorce. 

In recent years, the divorce laws in Illinois have been updated to reflect the nature of modern parenting. The presumption that one parent will have custody of children has been replaced with the allocation of parental responsibility between parents, and rather than granting temporary visitation for a non-custodial parent, each parent will have parenting time with their children. 

Some advocates are pushing for additional changes to the law that they believe would protect parents’ rights. Currently, the Illinois House of Representatives is considering a bill which would change divorce laws to presume that it is in children’s best interests to have equal amounts of parenting time with both parents.

Equal Parenting Time Schedules

When parenting time is shared equally between parents, there are a variety of possible methods for determining the schedule for the time children will spend with each parent. Some common arrangements include:

  • Every other week - Children spend alternating seven-day periods with each parent. A week could begin on any day, but it will typically last from Friday afternoon or evening until the same time the next week.
  • 2-2-3 - Children spend two weekdays during the week with each parent, then alternate three-day weekends between parents. This provides a stable, consistent day-to-day schedule for parents and children.
  • 2-2-5-5 - Children alternate two-day and five-day periods with each parent. This allows parents to have time during the week with children and extended weekend parenting time.
  • 3-4-4-3 - Children spend alternating periods of three and four days with each parent, allowing each parent to have extended weekends and an exchange in the middle of the week.

Child Support in Shared Parenting Situations

In Illinois, the child support that parents are obligated to provide for their children is based on the income earned by both parents. Shared Physical Care situations in which parents share equal or near-equal parenting time (at least 146 overnight stays with each parent each year) will require additional calculations to determine child support payments. In these cases, the total child support obligation will be multiplied by 1.5, and each parent’s share of the obligation is multiplied by the other parent’s percentage of the annual parenting time. The parent with the higher resulting amount will pay the difference between the two amounts to the other parent.

Contact an Arlington Heights Divorce Attorney

During your divorce, the attorneys of A. Traub & Associates can advocate for your parental rights and your family’s best interests, helping you reach a resolution that will allow you to have a close, ongoing relationship with your children. Schedule an initial consultation with our Rolling Meadows divorce lawyers by calling our office at 630-426-0196.






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