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5 Ways Divorce Can Have a Negative Effect on Children

 Posted on December 26,2017 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce attorney, children and divorce, divorcing parents, divorce and communication, divorce processWhen a marriage is falling apart, every member of the family will be going through a great deal of emotional turmoil, and during this chaotic time, spouses will often be focused on their legal requirements, their finances, their changing living arrangements, and their own emotional needs. However, divorce can be especially hard on children, and parents should be aware of the potential negative effects that the end of their marriage can have on their children, including:

  1. Emotional distress - Children of divorcing parents are likely to experience a great deal of anxiety and stress, especially when they are at a young age. Children often cannot fully understand why their lives are changing, and they may blame themselves for the end of their parents’ marriage. This emotional distress can lead to mood swings, irritability, depression, behavioral problems, and lower academic performance.

  1. Parental relationships - Children who are used to having both parents in their lives may struggle to adjust to a new situation in which they spend less time with each parent. While some couples are able to work out an agreement in which children spend equal time with each parent, in most cases, children will spend the majority of time with one parent, and their relationship with the other parent may suffer.

  1. Other relationships - Since children will be living in two separate households, they may not be able to spend as much time with friends or extended family, and they may not be able to consistently participate in family traditions or holiday gatherings that they had previously enjoyed. They may also be moving to a new home, requiring them to change schools and disrupting the friendships they have developed.

  1. Financial instability - When parents shift from having a single home with two combined incomes to two separate homes and incomes, this will result in less disposable income to be spent on children. Parents may also need to work more hours to better meet their financial needs, resulting in less time spent with their children. These major changes to a family’s financial situation can result in children not being able to enjoy some of the comforts and luxuries they had become used to.

  1. Substance abuse - Adolescent children may begin using alcohol or drugs as they attempt to deal with the emotional distress that they experience. Studies have shown that substance abuse is more common in teens of divorced parents, and this can have major negative effects on their long-term health.

Contact a Rolling Meadows Divorce Lawyer

By remaining aware of how divorce can affect their children, parents will be able to address these issues when they arise and work to meet their children’s needs both during and after their divorce. If you need help resolving any issues in your divorce, the family law attorneys at A. Traub & Associates can work to protect your children’s best interests throughout the divorce process. Contact a Schaumburg divorce attorney at 630-426-0196 to schedule an initial consultation.




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