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I Am Afraid My Wife is Trying to Turn My Children Against Me. As a Father, What Should I Do? 

 Posted on March 30,2023 in Divorce

schaumburg custody lawyer Divorce can be a tumultuous time for any family since, at the core of a divorce, it is a permanent change in a family dynamic. Unfortunately, some parents may attempt to use their children as pawns during a divorce. One such tactic is parental alienation, where one parent tries to turn the children against the other parent. If you are a father going through a divorce and you suspect your wife is trying to alienate your children from you, it is essential to take proactive steps to protect your relationship with your children. Consult with a family law attorney to protect your rights as you move through this challenging time. 

Tips on What You Should Do to Counteract Your Spouse’s Attempt at Parental Alienation

Here are some considerations for what to do including:

  • Maintain open communication with your children – One of the most important things you can do to counteract parental alienation is to maintain open communication lines with your children. Stay involved in their lives, listen to their concerns, and address any negative information they may have heard about you. Reassure your children that you love them and will always be there for them, regardless of the divorce.

  • Avoid engaging in a negative campaign – While it may be tempting to retaliate against your wife’s actions, avoid engaging in a negative campaign against her. Speaking poorly about their mother in front of your children can further damage their emotional well-being and may even backfire, reinforcing her attempts to alienate you. Instead, focus on building and maintaining a positive relationship with your children.

  • Document your interactions and concerns – Keep a detailed record of your interactions with your children and any instances where you believe your wife is attempting to alienate them from you. This documentation can be helpful if you need to address the issue with a court or mediator. Include dates, times, locations, and details of the events and any witnesses who may have observed the interactions. 

  • Seek legal advice – Consulting with a family law attorney with experience in parental alienation cases is crucial. An attorney can advise you on your rights and help you develop a strategy to protect your relationship with your children.

  • Consider family therapy – Family therapy can effectively address and resolve the issues contributing to parental alienation. A skilled therapist can help your children process their emotions, understand the dynamics at play, and foster a healthy relationship between you and your children. Be prepared to participate in therapy sessions and work on improving your family’s communication and relationships.

Contact a Schaumburg Family Law Attorney

Contact the experienced Schaumburg family law lawyers with A. Traub & Associates for more information on getting through this emotionally difficult time. Call 630-426-0196 for a private consultation.





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