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Moving Out of Your Family Home During Divorce

 Posted on November 09,2018 in Divorce

Schaumburg Divorce Attorneys

Illinois is an equal distribution state, which means when assets are split between two parties in a divorce, the judge determines what is a fair division. This does not mean assets are split 50/50, however, and numerous factors are considered, including:

  • Length of the marriage.
  • How much each spouse makes.
  • Health and age.
  • Standard of living.

If the home you and your spouse lived in was marital property, one person will typically be granted the family home. This is usually the spouse who has primary residential care of any children under the allocation of parental responsibilities (formerly called custody). For the other spouse, this means finding a new residence. 

Here are some tips for moving from your family and home during a divorce:

Tell Your Children

Talking to your children about your divorce can be the most difficult part of the moving process. You and your spouse should give them enough time to process the idea of one parent leaving, but not so much that they see the unpleasant parts of your split. Reassure your children that although one parent is moving out of the house, they will be loved and supported no matter what. 

Hire Movers

Movers can help ease the stress of transitioning to a new home and prevent your children from witnessing the dramatic scene of you packing a moving truck and leaving. Set a date for a moving company as soon as possible, because they often book up well in advance. Consider moving insurance to protect valuables during the process. Look for reviews of professional moving companies that illustrate they care about you and your belongings. 

Pack Early

Being proactive about packing will ensure everything is ready when the movers arrive. This can be a time to declutter and put into perspective what you need to start in your new home. It is best to do this when the children are at school or daycare. Movers will pack for you if you pay them to do so.

Update Records

The stress of a divorce can make you forget about less important paperwork. Remember to change your address with the post office, your bank, credit card and insurance companies, and online retailers. A declined credit card or important package sent to your ex’s house are stresses that can be avoided.

Contact a Schaumburg Divorce Attorney Today

While moving may be an option for some, if you are adamant about keeping your family home, an Arlington Heights divorce attorney can advocate on your behalf in court, and explain how property division works in Illinois. Call 630-426-0196 to arrange an initial consultation.



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