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6 New Year’s Resolutions for People Going Through Divorce

 Posted on December 29,2017 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce lawyer, New Year's resolutions, divorce process, divorce rate, divorce trendsEvery year, the divorce rate spikes in the month of January. This may be because divorcing parents want to keep their family together for one last holiday season before dissolving their marriage, or because the stress of the holidays pushed an unhappy marriage past the breaking point. But whatever the reason, the new year offers many people an opportunity to end a relationship that is not working and move on to a new stage of their life.

If you are considering divorce, have begun the divorce process, or are close to finalizing your divorce, here are a few resolutions you may want to consider making in the new year:

  1. Get your finances in order - Divorce can cause a great deal of financial upheaval, and it is easy to lose track of your financial situation as attorney’s fees, moving expenses, and other costs pile up. As you adjust to a new living situation and surviving on a single income, the new year offers the chance to take stock of your income and expenses and prepare for how to maintain financial security after your divorce.

  1. Update your estate plan - Following your divorce, you will likely no longer want your ex-spouse to be the beneficiary of your estate following your death, so you should be sure to update your will or trust. You should also change the beneficiaries of your life insurance policies and update any powers of attorney which you currently have in place.

  1. Be a good co-parent - You probably do not get along very well with your ex-spouse. However, if you share children with him or her, then you will need to maintain a relationship for years to come. Work on establishing a foundation of cooperation, and be willing to be flexible and accommodating to requested schedule changes or other needs, always remembering to put your children’s best interests first.

  1. Make new friends - Your newly single life offers you a great chance to meet new people and form new relationships. Finding groups of people who share your hobbies or interests, participating in activities at your church, or volunteering at a local charity are all good ways to find the friends who will be there for you in the years to come.

  1. Get the support you need - Divorce can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety, and the combination of these emotions with the loneliness that can come with being single can lead to depression. If you are struggling with negative emotions, do not be afraid to seek help from a therapist or reach out to friends and family for emotional support.

  1. Take care of yourself - Divorced people often neglect their health, so making an effort to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet can make a big difference in your overall well-being. The new year is a great time to establish a newer, more healthy daily regimen.

Contact an Arlington Heights Divorce Attorney

If you are considering ending your marriage, or if you need help resolving any outstanding issues and finalizing your divorce, the law attorneys at A. Traub & Associates can help you understand your rights and advocate for your interests throughout the divorce process. Contact a Schaumburg divorce lawyer at 630-426-0196 to schedule an initial consultation.





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