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Proposed Amendment Could Prevent Gay Couples From Adopting

 Posted on July 17,2018 in Adoption/Guardianships

Rolling Meadows adoption attorneyFor some people, having a child naturally is not in the cards. Many married men and women have trouble conceiving and turn to adoption as a choice for starting a family. Many gay and lesbian couples also choose adoption as a way to grow their family, rather than using other methods, such as a surrogate or donor sperm. However, a bill that is being considered by the U.S. House of Representatives could result in gay and lesbian couples, among other groups, having a more difficult time finding a child to adopt.

Bill Disallows the Federal Government to Discriminate Against Agencies

The 2019 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education funding bill is in its drafting stages right now, but a recent amendment to the bill, which was passed by the House Appropriations Committee, says that state and local governments cannot discriminate against child welfare service providers based on their religious beliefs or moral convictions. Republican Rep. Robert Aderholt introduced the amendment, which was passed on a vote of 29-23.

Consequences For Non-Traditional Prospective Parents

If the bill were to become law, agencies that receive federal funding could discriminate against gay and lesbian couples, along with prospective parents who are not married, single parents, or those with a history of divorce. The amendment was created to protect faith-based adoption and foster care agencies by requiring the federal government to withhold 15 percent of federal funds used for state child welfare services if a state or local government chooses to discriminate against these agencies. This would allow faith-based agencies to simultaneously discriminate against non-traditional applicants and collect federal funds.

Amendment Does Not Line Up With American Beliefs

Though the amendment was passed by members of the Appropriations Committee, the amendment does not line up with the majority of American opinions. According to a survey that was conducted by Gallup, a global analytics company, 63 percent of Americans think that same-sex couples should have the legal right to adopt a child. The bill, which Aderholt stated was created to increase the number of children who are placed in successful adoptions, could actually do the opposite by allowing agencies to discriminate against those who could provide a loving home to adoptive children.

Seek Legal Advice From a Schaumburg Adoption Lawyer

Adoption is a long and complicated process, and it can possibly be even longer and more complicated for non-traditional prospective parents if this new law is put into effect. Anyone who is looking to adopt a child should consult with an experienced and knowledgeable Arlington Heights adoption attorney to discuss the adoption process and possible barriers or roadblocks to adoption. Contact A. Traub & Associates to talk about your specific situation and the steps you can take to grow your family. To set up an initial consultation, call our office at 630-426-0196.






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