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Signs Your Spouse Is Planning A Divorce

 Posted on January 09,2019 in Divorce

Schaumburg Divorce Lawyers

The topic of divorce is difficult for many couples. The relationship may have become one-sided or perhaps both spouses are unhappy. The best way to convey these feelings is to communicate about the status of your relationship, but that often does not occur until it is too late to save a marriage.

Many spouses first learn of their partner’s intention to divorce them when they are told they have already filed a Petition for a Dissolution of Marriage. This is the first step in the divorce process and your spouse is required by law to alert you that a petition has been filed with the court. Official notification by legal notice is typically mailed or delivered by a process server. In the event you cannot be located, a notice is posted in a newspaper of general circulation in your area. 

To avoid being caught off-guard, here are some signs a spouse wants a divorce:

Will Not Discuss the Future

If your partner is uncomfortable talking about future plans, they might not see you as part of them. Every couple communicates differently, but if your spouse brushes off the idea of investing in a large purchase together, such as a car, or planning a lengthy vacation, they may not be interested in these investments with you any longer. 

Increased Distance Between You

Do you feel like you are getting the cold shoulder? Your partner may be distancing themselves from you because they are holding something back. Avoiding you means they do not have to discuss your relationship and how it may be failing. A person who wants to be in your life will take the time to reach out and make a connection, or spend time with you to work it out.

Keeping Secrets

A guilty conscience may lead your spouse to clear their web browser history or have mail redirected to their office. Maybe your spouse has become more guarded about their electronic devices. If you find evidence that they have looked into a divorce, it may be awkward and embarrassing and could bring up the discussion before either of you are ready to have it. 

Contact A Palatine Divorce Attorney 

If you think your spouse wants to get a divorce, or if divorce has been already discussed, you want a legal team you can count on to get you through it. An experienced Barrington divorce attorney at A. Traub & Associates will represent your best interests in pursuit of a favorable divorce agreement. Call 630-426-0196 to set up an initial consultation.



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