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Three Important Topics to Discuss With Your Illinois Divorce Attorney

 Posted on August 16,2019 in Divorce

Barrington divorce attorney

Planning a wedding requires a lot of work, but getting a divorce has just as many challenges. After being served with divorce papers, it may be difficult to know what to do next. If you and your spouse were married for a long time, going through a divorce means figuring out how to split the life you two created together. Although it is possible to go through a divorce without legal representation, it is recommended to speak with a lawyer to leave the marriage confidently. There are many variables to a divorce, and if your spouse has an attorney, you will be at a significant disadvantage if you do not. An experienced divorce lawyer will know which questions to ask and the necessary actions to take to ensure you get the most out of your divorce settlement. 

Marital Issues That Need to Be Addressed

When sitting down with a lawyer, be sure to discuss the following topics regarding your divorce:

Child Support and Custody: How children from marriage are taken care of after the divorce is a big issue in divorce settlements. No parent wants to sacrifice time with their children, but when parents divorce, they need to compromise. Time with and the responsibility of the children are allocated through a parenting plan. A parenting plan is an agreement between parents, and it is signed off by a judge. After a divorce, both parents are still responsible for supporting the children. The court will also order how much child support one parent will contribute to another.

Marital Property: Any marital property is up for equitable distribution by the court. In Illinois, assets are split by determining what distribution would be fair. This can include the family home, furniture, vehicles, and anything else with value. When meeting with a lawyer, it is helpful to bring a list of all marital property for division

Spousal Support: If one spouse makes a significant amount of money more than the other, then the lesser-earning spouse may be entitled to spousal support, or alimony. To determine whether a spouse is entitled to maintenance, the court will consider variables such as the length of the marriage, the standard of living, earning capability, and the health of each spouse. 

Contact a Barrington Divorce Lawyer

You may be leaving your spouse, but you should not go through the legal divorce process alone, and that is why you need legal counsel during the proceedings. The skilled law firm of A. Traub & Associates has handled numerous types of divorce cases and understands the complexity of child-related issues in addition to property division or spousal maintenance. To ensure your rights are not violated during a divorce, contact an experienced Palatine divorce attorney to explore all of your options. Call our office today at 630-426-0196 to schedule an initial consultation.





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