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Tips for Moving On After an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on October 02,2019 in Divorce

Barrington dissolution of marriage attorney

divorce is a difficult time for many couples. Whether you have been married for one year or 20 years, the divorce process can be long and stressful. Once the complicated steps such as property division and creating a parenting plan are over, it is time to begin moving on with your life. Although a divorce may be finalized, you may still have lingering feelings about the marriage or your ex-partner. Divorce can be a big lifestyle change, and this transition can prove challenging. 

Grieving the Loss of Your Marriage

Getting a divorce means losing an important person in your life. It is normal to grieve this loss. Mourning the relationship with your ex-spouse can be cathartic. However, while contemplation is good, dwelling on the past can hinder you from moving on. A person getting a divorce may go through the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. 

What you are feeling, good or bad, is natural. However, if your feelings are consuming your life after a divorce, it may be helpful to seek therapy. Speaking to an unbiased professional can help you work out your negative feelings after a divorce. Alternately, take those emotions and turn them into something positive or productive, like a new hobby. Working out your feelings now will benefit you in the long run and reduce the baggage brought into a future relationship. 

Embrace Your Newfound Freedom

Being in a serious relationship changes you. Use this newfound independence to your advantage. This is the time to get back into forgotten interests and figure out who you are again as an individual. Budget and family may restrict too big of changes, but as a single person, your decisions are solely yours. Take the divorce as an opportunity to renew yourself.

This may also mean taking on new responsibilities. You may have to pay bills or rent for the first time in a while. A divorce can be expensive, so budgeting may be a new aspect of your life as well. Embrace having to take on these new challenges, and gain your confidence and independence back as a newly single individual.  

Contact a Schaumburg Divorce Lawyer

Anytime a marriage ends, the thought of starting over can be daunting. It is important to process your feelings and grieve this loss before you can move on. The divorce process can be complex, so having a legal professional by your side is essential to ensuring a fair split. Contact a compassionate Rolling Meadows divorce attorney at the law office of A. Traub & Associates who can help provide peace of mind during the breakup of your marriage. Call our office today at 630-426-0196 to schedule an initial consultation.





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