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Tips for Taking Care of Yourself During and After Divorce

 Posted on March 20,2018 in Divorce

Rolling Meadows divorce lawyerEnding a long-term relationship is difficult, and it is understandable to feel sorrow and anxiety during this time. During divorce and in its immediate aftermath, you may struggle to adjust to the major changes in your life. However, by practicing good self-care, you can not only survive your divorce but thrive in the next phase of your life. Here are some tips for caring for yourself during and after your divorce:

  • Focus on the positive - You are likely grieving the end of your relationship, and this can lead to negative feelings about what you have lost. However, by taking time to remember what you do have and the good things in your life, you can build a more positive attitude, put painful experiences in the past, and move on to a better future.
  • Establish a routine - It is understandable to feel adrift and unsure about the future during divorce, so following a standard daily routine can give you a sense of order in your life. This can also help avoid having too much spare time to wallow in negative emotions, which can lead to depression.
  • Live a healthy lifestyle - People often neglect their own health when going through a major life change, but getting exercise and eating healthy foods can work wonders for your mood and overall well-being. While you may be tempted to cut loose and try to enjoy your newly-single life, be sure to practice moderation and avoid participating in harmful activities.
  • Do things you enjoy - As a single person, you will likely have more time to participate in hobbies, sports, or other activities, either on your own or with others. This is a great time to learn a new skill, explore your community, volunteer for a local charity, or enjoy other new experiences.
  • Reach out to others - Friends and family can offer invaluable support when you are going through changes in your life, and your divorce provides a good chance to spend time with people you care about or reach out to those you may have lost touch with.

Contact an Arlington Heights Divorce Lawyer

If you are considering ending your marriage, or if you have already become involved in the divorce process, the experienced, compassionate attorneys of A. Traub & Associates can answer your questions and work with you to reach a positive resolution to your divorce. Contact our Palatine divorce attorneys today at 630-426-0196 to arrange an initial consultation.





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