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6 Things to Remember When Divorcing a High-Conflict Spouse

 Posted on January 19,2018 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce attorney, high conflict spouse, divorce and communication, divorce process, divorce decreeDivorce is difficult at the best of times, but it can become much more of a headache when one spouse is argumentative and prone to provoking conflict. You are likely ready to move on with your life after the end of your marriage, and the last thing you want is an ex who keeps dragging you back into old arguments and coming up with new things to fight about.

If your ex is making things difficult during and after your divorce, consider the following factors:

  1. You can set boundaries. While you and your spouse were used to being able to confide in each other and talk about anything during your marriage, those days are over. Moreover, if you do not want to discuss your personal life with your ex or listen to their complaints, you do not have to do so. Keeping conversations business-like, avoiding emotional discussions, and hanging up the phone or walking away if things get heated are good ways to keep from letting your ex push your buttons.

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4 Tips for Avoiding Debt During and After Divorce

 Posted on January 12,2018 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce lawyer, debt during divorce, divorce finances, divorce and budgeting, divorce processWhen you decide to end your marriage by getting a divorce, the process of separating the various aspects of your life from your spouse and establishing yourself in your newly-single existence can be incredibly complicated. During this time, it is easy to neglect your finances, but doing everything you can to avoid debt will help you prepare for a secure financial foundation following your divorce. 

Consider the following tips for understanding and managing your debt throughout the divorce process:

  1. Get your credit report - It is important to understand your complete financial picture prior to your divorce, and obtaining a copy of your credit report is essential for doing so. This will help you identify all joint bank accounts and credit cards, as well as any outstanding debts.

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Understanding How Tax Reform Affects Spousal Maintenance

 Posted on January 05,2018 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce attorneys, tax reform, spousal maintenance, maintenance payments, divorcing spousesIn December of 2017, Congress passed a landmark tax reform bill, and this update to the law made a number of significant changes that will affect nearly everyone in the United States. One key change that people should be aware of is how spousal maintenance (also known as alimony or spousal support) will be taxed.

Taxes on Spousal Support

Following divorce, the spouse who earns a higher income may be required to make maintenance payments to the lower-earning spouse, with the amount and duration of these payments being based on the income each spouse earns and the length of the marriage. Under current law, maintenance is tax-deductible for the paying spouse, and it is considered taxable income for the receiving spouse.

The tax reform bill has eliminated this deduction, and spousal support will now be treated the same as child support. This means that the paying spouse will not be able to deduct the amount of maintenance payments from his or her taxable income, and the payments will not be taxable for the payee. This change will apply to divorces which are commenced after December 31, 2018.

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6 New Year’s Resolutions for People Going Through Divorce

 Posted on December 29,2017 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce lawyer, New Year's resolutions, divorce process, divorce rate, divorce trendsEvery year, the divorce rate spikes in the month of January. This may be because divorcing parents want to keep their family together for one last holiday season before dissolving their marriage, or because the stress of the holidays pushed an unhappy marriage past the breaking point. But whatever the reason, the new year offers many people an opportunity to end a relationship that is not working and move on to a new stage of their life.

If you are considering divorce, have begun the divorce process, or are close to finalizing your divorce, here are a few resolutions you may want to consider making in the new year:

  1. Get your finances in order - Divorce can cause a great deal of financial upheaval, and it is easy to lose track of your financial situation as attorney’s fees, moving expenses, and other costs pile up. As you adjust to a new living situation and surviving on a single income, the new year offers the chance to take stock of your income and expenses and prepare for how to maintain financial security after your divorce.

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5 Ways Divorce Can Have a Negative Effect on Children

 Posted on December 26,2017 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce attorney, children and divorce, divorcing parents, divorce and communication, divorce processWhen a marriage is falling apart, every member of the family will be going through a great deal of emotional turmoil, and during this chaotic time, spouses will often be focused on their legal requirements, their finances, their changing living arrangements, and their own emotional needs. However, divorce can be especially hard on children, and parents should be aware of the potential negative effects that the end of their marriage can have on their children, including:

  1. Emotional distress - Children of divorcing parents are likely to experience a great deal of anxiety and stress, especially when they are at a young age. Children often cannot fully understand why their lives are changing, and they may blame themselves for the end of their parents’ marriage. This emotional distress can lead to mood swings, irritability, depression, behavioral problems, and lower academic performance.

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7 Tips for Surviving the Holidays After Divorce

 Posted on December 21,2017 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce lawyer, holidays and divorce, recently divorced, divorce tips, divorce trendsThe holidays can be a stressful time for anyone, but this season is often especially difficult for people who have recently ended a long term relationship. Divorce will require major changes in a person’s life, upending their living situation, their finances, and their relationships with family and friends.

The emotional fallout of these changes and the loneliness that can come with being newly single can make it hard to cope during what is supposed to be a happy time of the year.

If you have recently divorced or are in the process of ending your marriage, these tips can help you get through the holiday season and begin the new year on the right foot:

  1. Take some time for yourself - You may not feel up to taking part in holiday parties or gatherings, and it is okay to spend time on your own doing things you enjoy. Spending some quiet time at home while you read a book or watch a favorite movie or TV show is a great way to recharge and prepare for your life after your divorce.

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Will Illinois Pass a Shared Parenting Law?

 Posted on December 13,2017 in Child Custody

Schaumburg divorce attorney, parenting time, shared parenting law, allocation of parental responsibilities, child custodyWhen parents decide to divorce, the ensuing changes to their lives can be highly disruptive and stressful for the entire family. As children adjust to living in two separate households, it is important for both parents to be involved in their lives and provide them with the emotional support they need. Unfortunately, this can be difficult when one parent retains sole or primary custody of children.

Studies Show the Benefits of Equal Parenting Time

For many years, it was assumed that it was in children’s best interests to live primarily with one parent, and that dividing time between two households would cause them stress. However, a number of recent studies have found the opposite to be true. Researchers in Sweden found that children in shared parenting arrangements had less stress, fewer psychological problems, and better physical health than children who lived primarily with one parent.

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Celebrating the Holidays As a Recently Divorced Parent

 Posted on December 07,2017 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce lawyer, divorced parent, holidays and divorce, parenting plan, parenting timeThe holiday season can be a magical time, offering chances for families to come together, give gifts, celebrate traditions, and be thankful for everything they have. Unfortunately, this can make the season difficult for parents who have recently experienced divorce, since they will likely be coping with loneliness, struggling with change, and remembering the good times they had with their families in the past.

While the season can be emotionally challenging, divorced parents can make the most of the holidays by following these tips:

  1. Understand your parenting plan - Your final divorce decree will include a schedule for parenting time, not just describing which parent children will spend time with on an everyday basis, but specifying how holidays and school vacations will be divided between parents. Knowing what your parenting plan says will help you avoid any conflicts with your ex-spouse with regard to whom children will be spending holiday time.

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Are Parents of Teenage Daughters More Likely to Divorce?

 Posted on November 30,2017 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce attorney, divorce trends, teenage daughters, risk of divorce, divorce statisticsFor many couples, maintaining a good relationship throughout their marriage requires a great deal of hard work. A variety of factors can affect whether a couple is likely to divorce, including the stress of raising children. A recent study looked at the data surrounding marriages, children’s births, and divorces and found some interesting results.

Daughters Increase the Risk of Divorce

Various studies have shown that parents in the United States whose oldest children are female are slightly more likely to divorce. A recent study found that this is true in other countries as well by examining data from more than two million marriages in the Netherlands over 10 years. According to researchers, divorce is equally likely for parents of boys and girls until children are 12 years old. However, when children are between the ages of 13 and 18, parents are more likely to divorce if their first-born child is a girl.

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How Children Are Affected By Divorce at Different Ages

 Posted on November 23,2017 in Divorce

children and divorce,  Schaumburg divorce lawyer, divorce at different ages, effects of divorce, divorce processWhen parents decide to end their marriage in divorce, the split can be difficult for everyone involved. During divorce, children often struggle to come to terms with the end of their parents’ relationship and adjust to living in two different households.

While divorcing parents are often focused on resolving legal issues and determining what their life will look like post-divorce, they should also be sure they understand how their children will be affected.

Divorce’s Effects and Children’s Age

Children’s age when their parents break up is one of the key factors that determine how they deal with the divorce. Parents should be aware of how children are affected by divorce at the following ages:

  • Babies and toddlers - When children are under the age of three, their cognitive abilities are still developing. Divorce when children are this age will mostly have the effect of disrupting their lives and routines, and they will struggle to understand why a parent is not present. These children may experience developmental delay or regression, increased irritability, and difficulty sleeping.

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