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Who Gets the Pets in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on November 17,2017 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce attorney, parental responsibilities, marital property, family pet, pets and divorceThe process of divorce can be difficult and contentious, especially when spouses disagree about how to divide assets and debts and/or allocate parental responsibility. While a lot of attention is paid to issues like the best interests of the children of divorcing parents and what is considered marital property, one issue that sometimes gets overlooked during divorce is what to do with family pets.

While cats, dogs, and other animals are not human, many people consider them to be part of the family, and treating them like another piece of property to divide often does not seem right.

Illinois law was recently updated to reflect these attitudes, and some additional considerations are now given to pets when determining their ownership during divorce.

Updated Illinois Divorce Laws

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4 Benefits of Divorce Mediation

 Posted on November 10,2017 in Divorce

Palatine divorce mediation attorney, divorce mediation, divorce process, children and divorce, divorce and communicationWhile some people see the end of their marriage approaching, others find that divorce is unexpected. But whether they are ready to divorce or not, people will often be blindsided by the legal complexities and financial costs of dissolving their marriage.

Divorce can be expensive and difficult, but one way to make the process easier is through mediation. If couples are able to work together with a trained mediator to resolve the issues in their divorce, they can complete the process much more quickly and efficiently. 

Consider the following four benefits of divorce mediation:

  1. Cost - A traditionally litigated divorce can be very expensive, with each spouse paying their lawyer to prepare documents, send communications, discuss issues, and attend court. During mediation, spouses will usually split the mediator’s fees, and even if they spend multiple sessions working out an agreement, the total cost can be 40-60 percent less than a traditional divorce.

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Parenting Issues After a Divorce Involving Domestic Violence

 Posted on November 06,2017 in Divorce

Arlington Heights divorce attorney, order of protection, domestic violence, parenting issues, parental responsibilitiesWhen parents end their marriage, they must continue work together to co-parent their children after divorce. However, their parental roles and responsibilities can be complicated if domestic violence occurred during the marriage.

While it is essential to protect the safety of spouses and children who have suffered violence or abuse, it is also important for children to have a relationship with both parents. But how well are parents able to work together following violent situations?

A recent study from researchers at the University of Illinois looked at mothers who had experienced domestic violence during the first year after their divorce to see whether they had any issues or conflicts while acting as co-parents with their ex-spouse. 

Two Types of Intimate Partner Violence

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What Happens if a Parent Does Not Pay Child Support in Illinois?

 Posted on October 31,2017 in Child Support

Schaumburg child support lawyers, pay child support, child support payments,  child support obligations, Illinois family lawWhether parents are married, divorced, legally separated, or were never married, they both have an obligation to support their children financially. Failure to pay court ordered child support can result in serious consequences, and parents should be aware of the steps that courts can take to enforce a child support order and punish a parent for non-payment.

Illinois Child Support Enforcement Law

A person is guilty of the offense of “failure to support” when he or she willfully fails to meet his or her support obligations while he or she has the ability to pay them. Illinois law provides several remedies for parents who do not meet their child support obligations, including:

  • Contempt of court - A child support order is a court order, and a parent who fails to pay his or her court-ordered child support may be held in contempt of court. This can result in punishments that include being placed on probation or sentenced to jail time of up to six months. During imprisonment, a parent may be permitted to be released in order to work, and the court may order some or all of the earnings from this employment to be paid toward child support.

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Modifying a Divorce Judgment Under Illinois’ New Child Support Law

 Posted on October 25,2017 in Child Support

Schaumburg child support attorneys, divorce judgment child support law, divorce judgment modification, parental responsibilitiesWhen parents complete the divorce process, their final divorce decree will specify how parental responsibilities will be allocated, the parents’ schedule for parenting time with their children, and the amount of child support that one parent will pay to the other. But while this is meant to be a permanent agreement (or, if parents were unable to reach an agreement, a judgment by the court), the law recognizes that people’s circumstances change, and a divorce decree may need to be modified at some point in the future.

Following the implementation of Illinois’ updated child support law, which went into effect in July 2017, parents may wonder if their divorce decree should be updated to reflect the new methods for calculating the amount of child support payments. However, before petitioning the court, they should understand when these types of modifications are allowed.

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Protecting a Family-Owned Business During Divorce

 Posted on October 18,2017 in Divorce

Hoffman Estates divorce lawyer, family-owned business, divorce process, postnuptial agreement, divorce and financesWhen a couple ends their marriage in divorce, the process of separating their lives from each other can be a lengthy, difficult process. Determining how to divide physical property, financial assets, and debts can be a complex matter, and when one or both spouses own a business, this process can become even more complicated.

Spouses who are business owners often have many of their mutual financial assets tied up in the business, making it difficult to divide these assets while keeping the business intact. Taking the following measures can help you ensure that your family-owned business will survive your divorce and that you will be able to maintain financial stability:

  • Consider a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement - If you owned a business prior to your marriage, a prenuptial agreement can specify that you will retain ownership in the case of divorce. For a business that was formed after your marriage, a postnuptial agreement can define how ownership will be handled after divorce.

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Avoiding Financial Mistakes During and After Divorce

 Posted on October 10,2017 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce attorney, divorce and finances, financial mistakes, divorce proceedings, finances during divorceWhen your marriage is ending, your life will likely be thrown into chaos as you and your spouse work to separate the many aspects of your lives which have become closely linked over the years of your partnership. During divorce, it is important to understand how your finances will be affected and plan for how you will manage your ongoing budget.

Consider the following tips to get on the right financial foot during divorce proceedings and after your divorce has been finalized:

  1. Create a budget - You should make sure you have a full understanding of your income and expenses, including any spousal maintenance or child support payments you pay or receive after the divorce. Additionally, be sure you are accounting for rent, utilities, groceries, credit card bills, vehicle maintenance costs, insurance, and child care costs. Setting everything down in a budget and planning month to month management will ensure that unexpected costs do not arise and cause problems in the future.

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Collaborative Divorce and the Illinois Collaborative Process Act

 Posted on October 04,2017 in Divorce

collaborative divorce, Schaumburg divorce attorney, Illinois Collaborative Process Act, alternative dispute resolution, divorce processIn our modern society, divorce is often unavoidable. But while divorcing couples will need to resolve issues such as the division of assets and debts and the allocation of parental responsibility, reaching a decision on these matters does not have to be contentious.

By using methods of alternative dispute resolution, couples can settle the outstanding issues in their divorce while avoiding costly litigation. 

One of the best ways divorcing couples can work together to reach a settlement is through collaborative divorce (also known as collaborative law). This practice has become more common in recent years, and it has been formally recognized in the state of Illinois through the Illinois Collaborative Process Act, which Governor Bruce Rauner signed into law in August 2017 and which goes into effect on January 1, 2018.

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Paying For Children’s College Expenses After Divorce

 Posted on September 28,2017 in Divorce

Schaumburg family law attorney, college expenses, 529 college savings account, college savings plans, college and divorceDivorce can cause a great deal of financial upheaval in a couple’s lives, and as parents seek to restructure their finances following the end of their marriage, they will need to continue to provide for their children.

One financial aspect of divorce that parents sometimes neglect is how to pay for their children’s college expenses, especially if they divorce when their children are still young and college is several years in the future.

However, as college approaches, and families begin the process of applying for financial aid, they can take certain steps to ensure that children will be able to receive a college education without breaking the bank:

  1. Determine the information to use on financial aid forms - When filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, students will need to identify their custodial parent. Even if parents share joint custody, only one parent can be identified, and this should be the parent who the student lived with the most during the previous year. If parenting time was equal during that time, the custodial parent is the parent who provided the most financial support to the child. If the custodial parent has remarried, their spouse should also be listed on the FAFSA.

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Understanding the Factors That Affect Spousal Maintenance

 Posted on September 27,2017 in Divorce

Schaumburg spousal maintenance divorce lawyerWhen a couple ends their marriage in divorce, each spouse should be able to maintain a standard of living similar to what they experienced during their marriage. When one spouse earns more than the other, the lower earning spouse may be eligible to receive spousal maintenance (also known as spousal support or alimony).

While the formula for determining the amount and duration of maintenance is straightforward, courts have some discretion when determining whether maintenance is appropriate. 

Illinois statutes list 14 factors that a judge should consider when deciding whether to grant maintenance:

1. The income and property of each party - The court will determine both spouses’ net income by calculating gross income from sources including wages or salary, disability benefits, retirement benefits, social security benefits, insurance proceeds, interest earned, and monetary gifts, then deducting expenses including taxes, social security payments, prior support or maintenance obligations, union dues, and medical expenses.

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