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Tips for Successful Co-Parenting After an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on August 23,2019 in Divorce

Palatine parenting plan attorney

Before a divorce, most parents care for their children together under one roof. Once a divorce is finalized, parents will need to continue providing the same level of care for children while living in separate households. This can be a difficult adjustment for parents, especially if there is bad blood between them. The goal for successful co-parenting is for a child to be minimally affected by a divorce, and a parenting plan can help achieve that. 

What Is a Parenting Plan?

In Illinois, when adults with children get divorced, how the child is taken care of after the split is determined by a parenting plan. This plan is a court order signed by a judge, to which both parents agree. The parenting plan dictates who has parental responsibilities for the child (custody), as well as parenting time with the child (visitation). For example, a parenting plan may state that the child will spend the weekdays with one parent, and the weekends with the other. No matter how it is organized, a judge will only sign off on the plan if it is believed to be in the best interests of the child. 

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Three Important Topics to Discuss With Your Illinois Divorce Attorney

 Posted on August 16,2019 in Divorce

Barrington divorce attorney

Planning a wedding requires a lot of work, but getting a divorce has just as many challenges. After being served with divorce papers, it may be difficult to know what to do next. If you and your spouse were married for a long time, going through a divorce means figuring out how to split the life you two created together. Although it is possible to go through a divorce without legal representation, it is recommended to speak with a lawyer to leave the marriage confidently. There are many variables to a divorce, and if your spouse has an attorney, you will be at a significant disadvantage if you do not. An experienced divorce lawyer will know which questions to ask and the necessary actions to take to ensure you get the most out of your divorce settlement. 

Marital Issues That Need to Be Addressed

When sitting down with a lawyer, be sure to discuss the following topics regarding your divorce:

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Will I Lose the Family Home During My Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on August 09,2019 in Divorce

Arlington Heights divorce and property division lawyer

When two people decide to get a divorce, it is not only their marriage that is splitting. Everything that a couple built together will be divided. In regards to assets, Illinois is an equitable division state. Unlike a community property state, which splits marital assets 50/50, Illinois divides property based on what is fair. When it comes to the family home, it will be given to whomever the court deems is deserving based on certain factors surrounding the marriage. The other spouse will likely move to another location, and the couple's children will usually split their time between the parents' homes.

Factors Considered for Division

  • Contribution to the marriage: When dividing marital assets, such as the home, the court will review and consider what each spouse contributed to the marriage. If one spouse gave up his or her career to raise children, that can be considered a significant contribution. In many cases, the other parent may have traveled for work and was gone for long periods at a time, so one parent staying home was a necessity to maintain the household. The court also considers economic circumstances such as employment-related issues such as income earned or the income-earning potential of each spouse. This factors into whether or not a person can afford to make mortgage and property tax payments on a house. 

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How Should a Divorce Parenting Plan Address Children's Education?

 Posted on August 02,2019 in Divorce

Palatine parenting plan lawyer

Divorce brings changes to all members of an immediate family. Instead of giving custody to one parent over the other, Illinois allocates parental responsibility and parenting time through a parenting plan, which is a court order that maps out how a child will be taken care of after divorce. This schedule includes details such as when a child stays with each parent. The parenting plan will also specify how decisions are made for education, religion, and medical care are covered, as well as who has the authority to make these decisions. Things like school and extracurricular activities will be taken into consideration when creating this plan, and it is best if co-parents can communicate with each other about expectations during the school year. 

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How Does a Second Divorce Differ From a First Divorce in Illinois?

 Posted on July 25,2019 in Divorce

Arlington Heights divorce attorney

Many married people fear getting divorced, especially if they have been together for a long time or have children. If someone has been divorced once before, the stakes can seem even higher if he or she is contemplating a second divorce. It is often stated that half of the marriages in the United States end in divorce. However, the actual statistic is less than half, with first-time divorce rates decreasing since the 1980s. However, the rate for second marriages to end in divorce is between 67-80 percent. Third marriages end at an even higher rate. Even if someone has gone through a divorce before, it is important to seek legal guidance, because each marriage and divorce is unique. 

The Divorce Process in Illinois

Everyone has their own reasons for deciding to get a divorce, but some common reasons include infidelity, different life goals, unmet expectations, or falling out of love. People sometimes marry after a brief courtship, and they do not have time to discuss important issues involved with marriage, such as career goals or having children. 

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How Are Parental Responsibilities Allocated in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on July 18,2019 in Child Custody

Barrington parental responsibility lawyer

When parents decide to get divorced, the future of their child will be one of their primary concerns. No parent wants to give up time with his or her child, but when a couple splits up, changes to parent-child relationships are inevitable. During their divorce, parents should be sure to understand how Illinois law will affect decisions about the allocation of parental responsibilities.

What Is Parental Responsibility?

In 2016, the word “custody” was removed from Illinois family law and replaced with "allocation of parental responsibility." Another common term, “visitation,” was replaced with "parenting time." Parental responsibility includes the right to make decisions for a child, and it is usually shared by both parents in some capacity, unless one parent is seen as unfit. These decisions involve religion, education, medical care, and other important choices a parent makes for a child. 

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Financial Mistakes to Avoid During an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on July 12,2019 in Divorce

Schaumburg divorce lawyer financial issues

It is no secret that getting a divorce is expensive. Not only can you lose money in the process, but the time and energy required can also take a toll. A divorce can compromise your finances, so it is important to be smart about money during this time.

During divorce, marital property is divided between spouses, and this property includes all assets and debts acquired during the marriage. When property is divided between divorcing spouses in Illinois, this division should be done in a fair way. This is referred to as equitable distribution. However, each spouse's share of the assets is rarely equal, as decisions about the division of assets are based on many factors, such as the length of the marriage and the couple's standard of living. 

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What Factors Are Considered When Dividing Property During Divorce?

 Posted on July 02,2019 in Divorce

Arlington Heights marital property division lawyer

When a married couple gets divorced, they must split up the life they created together. When it comes to dividing property, there are many factors that determine who gets what during a divorce. However, each spouse is entitled to receive a fair portion of the marital assets. During divorce, it is best to seek legal counsel in order to understand your rights and the best approach to take as you determine how to divide your marital property. 

Equitable Distribution 

In the state of Illinois, marital property is divided using a system of equitable distribution. While this term may lead one to believe that property is divided equally, this is not necessarily true in every case, and property will be divided based on what is fair for both spouses. There is rarely a 50/50 split of property during a divorce. What is determined to be fair by the courts is based on a variety of factors, including: 

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How Can I Help My Adult Child Cope With My Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on June 25,2019 in Divorce

Palatine divorce lawyer adult children

When a married couple decides to get a divorce, a child under the age of 18 is directly affected. In Illinois, the parental responsibilities for a child are allocated between parents during divorce. The living situation of a young child may change as well, since parenting time is also split between each parent. However, once a child becomes an adult and has moved out of the house, the parents' divorce may not change his or her day-to-day life, but it can still have a significant emotional impact. It is important for parents to communicate with their adult child throughout their divorce proceedings, and this can help all family members make as smooth a transition as possible. 

Tips for a Positive Relationship With Your Adult Child

Parents may assume that an adult child will be unaffected by divorce. In fact, a child of any age who is watching his or her parents get divorced is still likely to face a variety of challenges. When living away from home, a divorce may come as a shock, and a child may struggle to adjust to the changes. Although an adult child can, in theory, process the trauma of divorce better than a young child, he or she may not want to deal with the emotional baggage, and this can cause relationships between parents and children to suffer.

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What Financial Support Can I Receive as a Stay-at-Home Parent After an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on June 18,2019 in Divorce

Barrington divorce lawyer for stay-at-home parents

These days, it is more common for both parents in a household to hold a career while raising children together. However, having one parent stay at home to raise children is still a popular option for many families. This choice may be the personal preference of the homemaker, or a couple may find this option to be more financially feasible. Either way, for a stay-at-home parent, getting a divorce can be a difficult and nerve-wracking situation.

If you are a stay-at-home parent, you are likely the primary caregiver for your children. Although you may have had a career or job at one time, being a full-time stay-at-home parent has taken you out of the workplace. It may be necessary to go back to work after a divorce to support yourself and your children, but several post-divorce financial solutions may assist you with getting back on your feet financially.

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